The development of a master plan for Burnt Store Lakes Property Owners Association (BSLPOA) has been more than a year long undertaking. It began with the process of selecting a consultant to facilitate the master planning process, which included the development of a prospective bidders list and a request for proposals, vetting of responders, conducting in-person meetings and tours of the community with prospective bidders, and making recommendations to the Board of Directors (Board) by the Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) based on a rating system.
An agreement was entered into with Hole Montes to serve as the consultant for the process. The agreement was effective January 2022. Please note that information about the master plan and the process is documented on this webpage.
The first community outreach session was held in late January 2022. Subsequent feedback was requested by the LRPC, and all input was consolidated into a document submitted to the consultant. Four additional outreach sessions were conducted in Aprill 2022 to review conceptual designs prepared by the consultant. LRPC dedicated significant time to reviewing proposed concepts, recommending revisions, and meeting with Hole Montes principals.
Final community outreach sessions were held in June 2022 and suggested changes were communicated and transmitted to the consultant. BSLPOA received a revised draft in August 2022 and another draft in late September 2022 based on recommendations from LRPC. A subsequent final product was submitted in November 2022. It was agreed that the broad concepts provided by the consultant had value for further investigation.
The Board held a public Study Session on December 8, 2022, to discuss the content of the master plan developed under the agreement with the consultant. During this session, concerns were raised regarding some of the content not being responsive to the recommendations of the LRPC nor to the Board. After significant discussion, a motion was made and passed to accept the report from the consultant as a conceptual vision for future development of the infrastructure within Burnt Store Lakes over the next 15 to 20 years. This acceptance was further refined at the December 13, 2022, Board of Directors meeting, where the LRPC was directed to modify the product provided by the consultant to include the following:
Adapt and modify the existing narrative content of the plan consistent with recommendations made to the consultant.
Clarify the content of the various appendices, including renderings and diagrams of streetscapes, community commons park, and other common areas, as well as Order of Magnitude Cost Estimates to help property owners understand that these deocuments are only conceptual. Until final recommendations are made through LRPC to the Board and approved by the membership, no actions will be taken. For instance, there is reference to the purchase of 23 lots by the BSLPOA. This does not reflect the intent, nor does it reflect the direction recommended by the LRPC or the Board. It is an item that was inserted by the consultant based on the consultant's limited understanding of our community's platting, common areas, and need for access to common areas, including lakes for repair and maintenance.
Change the title from Master Plan to Long Term Vision for BSLPOA Infrastructure Improvements, aka., the BSLPOA Vision.
Establish study groups under the direction of the LRPC to research the efficacy of proposed components of the report and recommend future action by the Board and adoption by the membership.
Once the existing plan has been modified to standards established by the LRPC and the Board, the BSLPOA Vision will be posted on this website. In the meantime, the broad overview of the content is provided in various presentation documents that can be accessed below.
Contact Dr. Mary Ellen Kiss for further information ([email protected]); (240.381.1894).
Contents of this Page
In order to simplify access to documents related to the Master Planning process that have been provided for our members, we are listing documents published in chronological order.
January -- February 2022
1. Master Plan Introductory Article -- published in the January edition of the Heron Herald 2. Participate in the Process to Manage Your Community's Growth and Development -- published in the February edition of the Heron Herald 3. Community Master Plan Kickoff Agenda & Presentation -- Powerpoint from the January 22nd Community Outreach Session 4. Community Master Plan Kickoff Overview -- published in the March edition of the Heron Herald 5. Community Master Plan Kickoff Session Summary -- distributed in February 2022
March -- April 2022
6. Community Master Plan Outreach Session #2 -- published in the April edition of the Heron Herald 7. Community Master Plan 2nd Outreach Presentation -- 4 2 2022 8. Community Master Plan 2nd Outreach Session Overview -- published in the May edition of the Heron Herald 9. Community Master Plan Outreach Session #2 Summary -- published in the June edition of the Heron Herald
May -- June 2022
10. Executive Summary of the Draft Master Plan -- Deleted due to updates made through October 2022.
July -- October 2022
11. September Board Presentation 12. Annual Meeting Handout (October 2022)
November -- December 2022
13. Master Plan Study Session Presentation (December 8, 2022)
January -- June 2023
BSL Long Term Vision 2023 to 2043 -- Executive Summary BSL Long Term Vision 2023 to 2043 -- Final Long Term Vision 2023 to 2043 -- Community Outreach Session Presentation